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7-stage RO system

7-stage RO system

Water filtration systems for best water quality. Several filtration stages including RO membrane allow to remove 99% of contaminants from water including bacteria and viruses. Clean water is accumulated in the tank and goes to the faucet mounted separately on the sink.

Stage 1 – sediment filtration – removing sediments that allows to prolong the lifespan of other cartridges. Lifespan: 12000 liters, replace every 6 months.

Stage 2, 3 - carbon filtration – removing chlorine and other organic compounds. Lifespan: 5000-8000 liters, replace every 6 months.

Stage 4 – RO membrane – removing 96- 99% of contaminants from water including bacteria and viruses. Lifespan: up to 3 years.

Stage 5 – carbon filtration – gives water a better taste without unpleasant smell. Lifespan: 6000 liters, replace every 12 months.

Stage 6 - bio ceramic water activation - water becomes biologically active with its natural structure. Lifespan: 3600 liters, replace every 12 months.

Main characteristics of bio ceramic water:

  • Removes fats, chemical substances and toxins from the circulatory system;
  • Improves of the nervous system;
  • Decreases the acidity level of the body;
  • Increases oxygen level;
  • Body purification.

Stage 7 – water mineralization – getting water with necessary minerals and microelements. Lifespan: 3600 liters, replace every 12 months.

Clean water is accumulated in the tank and goes to the faucet mounted separately on the sink.

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